General Dentistry


A dental bridge is one of the most effective treatments for missing teeth replacement. If you have a single missing tooth, or several missing teeth in your upper or lower dental arches, then you should consider bridges. Based upon the principle of the architectural structure that they have been named after, these fixed dental prostheses use the support of natural teeth to fix or suspend an artificial crown over an empty socket. At York Dental, we use porcelain and metal to fabricate our bridges so that you don’t have to worry about the strength or the aesthetic properties of the artificial teeth that will be placed in your mouth.

To create a bridge, one natural tooth on either side of the empty socket is prepared and slightly reduced in dimensions with the help of a hand piece. An impression of the segment is then taken, one the basis of which a bridge is fabricated by technician at the dental laboratory. When ready, it is cemented on top of the natural teeth. Dental bridges can effectively restore a patient’s ability to bite and chew food normally, and smile confidently once again. If you’re missing a few teeth in your mouth and need them replaced, give us a call today and we’ll be happy to help you out!


Dental crowns are used to cover teeth that are either weak in structure, or are aesthetically compromised. Commonly known as caps, these fixed dental prostheses offer a number of functional and cosmetic benefits. Some of the cases in which they can be used include:

  • Following root canal treatments

  • Following large sized fillings

  • To cover gaps between teeth

  • To cover and repair dental fractures

  • To cover permanently stained teeth

  • To cover teeth that have been destroyed by abrasive or erosive wear

  • To cover teeth affected by congenital developmental deformities of the dentin and enamel

  • To cosmetically conceal discrepancies of shape and size between the teeth

  • To cover previous silver coloured dental restorations

For crown placement, it is first necessary to prepare the tooth by trimming it down slightly. This creates adequate room for seating and cementing the prosthesis in place. The crown is fabricated at a dental laboratory by technicians using high-quality tooth-coloured porcelain. The primary purpose of this cap is to protect a structurally instable natural tooth and to protect it from further damage in the oral cavity. If you have a tooth that requires a crown, give us a call to book an appointment with the team of restorative experts at York Dental today!


Dentures are artificial teeth made using non-toxic, biocompatible acrylic to restore a patient’s ability to eat, speak and smile normally after losing natural teeth. Two types of dentures can be fabricated at our clinic, complete dentures, or partial dentures. The former are meant for patients who have lost all their natural teeth and require complete dental rehabilitation. The latter on the other hand, can be made for patients missing multiple teeth in their upper or lower dental arches. Both are fabricated to look and feel like natural teeth in the oral cavity, and only replace the top portion, i.e. the crowns of the missing teeth.

Dentures are removable dental prostheses, and can be taken out of the mouth when the patient wishes to clean them. They are very affordable, and quite easy when it comes to usage and maintenance. The fabrication of dentures requires impressions, jaw records and facial analysis for ideal fit. Complete dentures can also be fixed in place in a permanent manner with the help of four or six dental implants, eliminating chances of unwanted movements and displacement, as well as the use of denture adhesives. If you have any questions regarding dentures, give us a call and our team at York Dental will be more than happy to address all your queries!

Fillings, as the term indicates, are dental restorations that are used to repair a damaged tooth following caries, or wear. Several years ago, a silver coloured material known as amalgam was being used to restore teeth, but it compromised the appearance of the smile. It also contained trace amount of mercury, a liquid element which is toxic to humans, and the environment. Today, that material has been replaced with an aesthetically pleasing, safe, non-toxic and structurally stable substance known as Composite. At York Dental, composites are our restoration material of choice for the most natural looking fixes!

A typical filling procedure involves removal of the decayed portion of the tooth with the help of a rotating tip attached to a hand piece. A retentive cavity shape is then created, and the composite is loaded into it in the form of small increments. The material is shaped according to the natural contours of the tooth and then finally set in place with the help of a laser, or a curing dental light. Unless the filling is deep, anaesthesia is not generally needed for the procedure. The filling is then polished for a natural-looking shine. Composites can also be used for small cosmetic dental fixes to improve the appearance of the smile.


Root canal therapy, or RCT, is an endodontic surgery done on teeth with infected or damaged pulp. The Pulp is the third, innermost layer of the teeth which houses nerves and blood vessels which give sensation and nourishment to the teeth respectively. This layer can get damaged due to caries, or a dental fracture, and some of the most common symptoms of this condition include sharp, throbbing pain which may radiate to the ears or head, swelling, severe sensitivity, and abscess formation.

The aim of this treatment is to remove the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth entirely, and replace it with an inert filling material. Because a significant amount of natural tooth structure is usually lost in the process, a crown must be fitted on the tooth after the root canal therapy has been completed. Depending upon the location of the tooth in the oral cavity, the treatment may be completed in two or three visits. At York Dental, we strive to make each visit a pleasant and comfortable experience for our patients, and therefore offer multiple sedation options to eliminate chances of pain during the treatment. If you are experiencing discomfort or elevated levels of sensitivity in a tooth, give us a call to book an appointment today!

Root Canal Therapy

Dental sealants are practiced as an important part of preventive or prophylactic dentistry, and have shown outstanding results in curbing bacteria dental decay, also known as caries, in young children. The non-invasive and entirely painless procedure involves the application of a single layer of tooth-coloured filling material on the biting surface of the largest teeth in the oral cavity, the molars. It does not require any cavity or tooth preparation, and can be completed within a matter of minutes. This filling layer protects the most caries-susceptible surface of the teeth from bacterial invasion. Here are some of the reasons why we at York Dental advise all parents to consider sealants for their kids:

  • They’re painless, non-invasive and non-surgical

  • They only take a couple of minutes per tooth

  • Ideal for kids and patients who are unable to maintain good oral hygiene themselves

  • Can be re-applied easily if they get worn off over time

  • Excellent for patients with disabilities, for added dental protection

  • Highly economical

  • Tooth-coloured, and therefore does not compromise the appearance of the teeth

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to kids! Book an appointment for dental sealants today!

Dental Sealants

Tooth extraction is a term given to the removal of single natural tooth, or multiple teeth from the upper or lower arches of the oral cavity. There are several reasons why dental surgeons may have to resort to extracting teeth; the most common of which include, grossly carious teeth, impaction of third molars, space gaining for orthodontic treatments, untreatable root abscesses, jaw bone disorders etc. As scary as the procedure may sounds, we at York Dental offer our patients multiple sedation options to choose from, to make the treatment feel like a breeze!

Prior to the extraction, we take radiographs to determine the position and state of the tooth below the gum. We then proceed to administering the anaesthesia, and extraction the affected tooth with the help of surgical instrument. We go the extra mile to make sure there is minimal blood loss, and no damage to the surrounding soft tissues. Our expert techniques will have you back to your normal routine in no time after the surgery! If you have been experiencing pain and discomfort because of an impacted third molar, give us a call today and we’ll start planning the extraction to relieve you of the symptoms as soon as possible.

Tooth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are the molars that are located at the far back of the upper and lower dental arches. Normally there are four wisdom teeth present in an adult oral cavity, which erupt into the mouth between the ages of 17 and 25. They are infamous for being the most frequently impacted of all teeth in the secondary dentition, mostly owing to the lack of space in the arches. Impaction is the term given to the phenomenon of a tooth erupting in a crooked direction, which can cause a number of complications.

Extraction of impacted third molars, or wisdom teeth, is perhaps the most common of all surgeries that take place in dental clinics worldwide. It can be diagnosed with the help of full mouth radiographs even before the teeth erupt into the arches. Some of the most common complications of this phenomenon include swelling and bleeding of the soft tissues covering the erupting teeth, limited mouth opening, pain, inability to chew from the affected side, foul breath, and damage to the adjacent tooth (the second molars). For all these reasons, dental surgeons suggest that impacted wisdom teeth must be extracted. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, visit York Dental today so we can plan your treatment without further delay!

Wisdom Teeth

Oral hygiene is critically important, because it is related to the health and proper functioning of the whole body. Infections that affect the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth can impair a person’s ability to chew and eat food properly. This can lead to different deficiencies, damaging and weakening the organs. It is therefore very important to take good care of the teeth, and all the structures that support them in their sockets. We at York Dental educate all our patients regarding oral hygiene and how it can be effectively maintained at home to keep infections at bay.

Oral hygiene encompasses correct cleaning techniques, as well as lifestyle/dietary modifications. You must clean not only the teeth, but also the gums and the tongue to prevent bacterial accumulation. You should also steer clear of tobacco, alcohol and sugary food/beverages to keep the mouth clean and healthy at all times. Another important tip is to visit the clinic for routine check-ups and in-office cleaning appointments to keep us up to date with your oral health. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and keeping the mouth clean every day goes a long way in combating harmful infections.

Oral Hygiene

Routine Cleaning

Brushing and flossing can help keep the plaque at bay. But aside from personal oral hygiene, it is important to have regular teeth cleaning done by a dentist to keep your teeth in top condition. If you don’t have your teeth cleaned, you can still develop tartar that will lead to many types of periodontal diseases like gingivitis or even losing a tooth due to infection.

Having regular dental cleaning will cost you money but it will get you a lot of benefits. Not only will it allow you to achieve that perfect smile, but it also helps you protect your overall dental health. Having white teeth and a brilliant smile is not the only thing you get from having professional dental cleaning. Didn’t you know that dentists can detect any sign of oral cancer especially during routine cleaning?

Having your teeth cleaned will help with the early detection of oral cancer. Another benefit of teeth cleaning is that you also reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Many studies have indicated that gum diseases are linked to stroke and heart attack. Thus, the cleaner your teeth are, the lesser the risk for heart disease you have.

Scaling & Root Planing

Root planing is a procedure that involves removing tartar, bacteria, toxic deposits from the root of a tooth, all the way down to where gum & bone meet. While it is sometimes casually referred to as a “deep cleaning”, you should know that this treatment is quite different from prophylaxis. This procedure is required as a treatment for periodontal disease or periodontitis (commonly called gum disease, though it also affects the bone).

Many people can have periodontal disease & not even know it. Symptoms of the disease include bleeding gums, bad breath, teeth that look longer due to recessed gums, & swollen or red gums. However, many people do not notice any symptoms at all. That’s why it may come as a surprise when your dentist recommends scaling & root planing instead of a regular cleaning. It’s important to understand that this procedure is vital to getting periodontal disease under control & avoid future tooth loss, though other procedures including surgery may be required to treat the disease.

Periodontal Maintenance

Once you have been diagnosed with periodontal disease & have undergone scaling & root planing, periodontal maintenance is what you can think of as taking the place of prophylaxis in your dental care routine. Rather than just addressing the just crowns of your teeth as in prophylaxis, periodontal maintenance also cares for your tooth roots, gums & bone. In other words, think of it as cleaning & maintenance for the tissues affected by your periodontal disease. The frequency of your periodontal maintenance appointments depends on your individual oral health condition & will be determined by your dentists here at York Dental.